Welcome to the Charles Street Valley!
Occupying roughly 42 acres in the southernmost section of Perry South in Pittsburgh, PA, Charles Street Valley is a vibrant historical community with approximately 216 households, several businesses, and plenty of green space. As a community based non-profit, Charles Street Area Corporation (CSAC) is committed to actively and equitably developing our neighborhood as a safe, affordable, and engaged space for all.
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We want to know what the residents and stakeholders of Charles Street Valley need and envision.
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New year, new park!
Cross-Strauss Parklet Finally Renovated!
CSAC has worked diligently to coordinate the renovation of the Cross-Strauss Parklet and it is finally finished. Check out photos of the Grand Reopening and Juneteenth Community Celebration that occurred on June 22, 2024!
June 22nd, 2024 Ribbon Cutting for Grand Reopening of Cross-Strauss Parklet (From Left: Rebekkah Ranallo, Councilman Daniel Lavelle, Mayor Ed Gainey, Angela Williams, Jim Jones, State Rep. Aerion Abney, Rhonda Strozier
Charles Street Area Corporation (CSAC) is a non-profit community organization working to achieve better quality of life in the Charles Street Valley.
CSAC is a hub for talent, passion, and energy in our community. We meet with leaders from around the city to brainstorm ideas, secure resources, collect feedback from residents and stakeholders, collaboratively plan the development of our neighborhood, and participate in events and volunteer opportunities year-round.
Our resident-led community group, the Charles Street Area Council, advocates for the needs of our neighbors, organizing and sharing their time and talents to make great things happen in the Charles Street Valley.
CSAC aims to develop accessible community assets and build generational wealth in the Charles Street Valley.
In alignment with strategic priorities, our projects are designed to reduce the plight of low- and moderate-income families and improve the physical environment in the Charles Street Valley.
We build toward those outcomes by connecting residents and stakeholders to educational opportunities and resources, creating affordable housing opportunities, maintaining vacant lots, decreasing trash and litter, and advocating for solutions through the City of Pittsburgh and other partnerships.
Don't miss out on the action! Check out our events calendar to stay posted about opportunities to get involved in the community.
From block parties and trash clean-ups to community meetings and focus groups, CSAC values opportunities to bring our neighbors together. Working with residents and partner organizations, we plan and host events regularly, so be sure to check in often for updates.
We encourage you to get to know your neighbors, be involved in community improvement efforts, and have some fun with us! Browse the events calendar and jump right in!
CSAC is now a Registered Community Organization!
On August 16, 2022, Charles Street Area Corporation was approved as a Registered Community Organization (RCO) by the City of Pittsburgh's Department of City Planning. We will now convene public development activities meetings for our community.
Contact Us
Have questions? Want to get involved? Don't hesitate to reach out! We welcome all residents, stakeholders, and partners of the Charles Street Valley to join us in planning, building, and enjoying our community.
Call: 412-808-6301
Email: csac@csacpa.org
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