Allegheny Dwellings Choice Neighborhood

In December of 2020, the Fineview Citizens Council and the Housing Authority of Greater Pittsburgh were awarded an urban planning grant by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to redevelop Allegheny Dwellings and its surrounding neighborhood.


HUD planning grant

3 key

impact areas

Community Plan

The grant will be used to develop a locally-driven community plan focused on 3 key areas.


Re-establish community connections and trust to foster a safe, family-friendly neighborhood, where residents are active in the community and thrive as individuals.


Integrate Allegheny Dwellings into the surrounding community and invest in safe, quality, affordable housing that is responsive to the needs of the surrounding area.


Create a green, connected, well-served, livable neighborhood where residents have convenient access to rich opportunities and resources to meet their daily needs.

The Charles Street Area Council is an active member of the Allegheny Dwellings Choice Neighborhood steering committee.

In addition to the task forces on People, Housing, and Neighborhood, a steering committee comprised of local stakeholders and community organizations will drive the Choice Neighborhood planning process. The Charles Street Valley is included in the Allegheny Dwellings Choice Neighborhood blueprint, so we have a vested interest in promoting equitable development here.

The redevelopment projects also intend to have impacts in the Charles Street Valley directly, as well as in the California-Kirkbride, Fineview, and Perry Hilltop communities. Being involved helps ensure that our community members have a say in the way our region - and our own neighborhood - is shaped in the coming years. Please join the Allegheny Dwellings meetings found on their webiste.

Charles Street Valley residents participated in a needs assessment survey as an early action project for Allegheny Dwellings Choice Neighborhood.

Residents in neighborhoods surrounding Allegheny Dwellings were engaged in a surveying process in order to understand their current needs and what they hope to see realized through the development process. The needs assessment covered: housing, services and amenities, employment, public safety, and health and wellness. See the data report here.


  • 76% of residents want to see new homes for ownership.
  • The #1 requested amenity is a community / rec center.
  • The #1 missing social activity is a safe, youth-based place.
  • The #1 safety concern is abandoned buildings / vacant lots.