Take the CSV Greenway Survey!
Make your voice heard! Share your vision for the North Charles Street Greenway with the City.
March 3, 2023
North Charles Street Greenway
The City of Pittsburgh will use National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) funding to improve and maintain the North Charles Street Greenway. Building upon the planning work of local residents and organizations, the project will activate the area around Harlan Avenue, a decommissioned street in the Charles Street Valley.
With it's entrance across from the Cross-Strauss Parklet, the greenway area impacts children and families hoping to access safe play spaces in the neighborhood. It also has the potential to provide exercise and recreation option for people of all ages.
Now is the time to make your voice heard!
Share Your Vision
What words or phrase comes to mind when you think about entering this space--what would you want to see, hear, smell, feel? Leave a comment.
Share Your Story
Do you have any memories, stories, or desires for this space? Please feel free to share photos, images of what you'd like to see--anything you feel we should see when reimagining about this greenway. Upload text, photos, or videos.
Follow the Project
Sign up with your Facebook or Email account to see updates about the North Charles Street Greenway. Read feedback shared by others and vote on ideas.
Don't miss this opportunity to get involved in shaping your community!