Donate to CSAC

When you donate to the Charles Street Area Corporation, your contribution directly funds projects that impact our community. Read more about our featured fundraising initiatives below.

Support Health & Wellness Programs

With the successful conclusion of the Cross-Strauss Parklet project, we now need your help to bring this vibrant space to life with engaging health and wellness programs for youth, adults, and families.

A notable initiative is our collaboration with Dr. Raymond C. Logan on the "Caring Therapeutic Interventions for Community Members" program. This innovative program equips residents with the skills to become “Emotional First-Aid Responders,” enabling them to effectively recognize and address mental health issues within the community.

Additionally, CSAC collaborates with Catapult Greater Pittsburgh on the CLEAR (Clinic for Legal Equity and Repairs) and KEY (Keeping Equity Yours) programs to enhance financial literacy among residents. CLEAR helps individuals without property titles by addressing legal matters, providing home repairs, and assisting with estate planning. KEY supports homeowners with workshops on sustainable homeownership, maintenance, and financial stability. Both programs offer education and one-on-one counseling.

Any amount helps! Every dollar you donate will make a significant difference in creating a healthier, more connected community.

Thank you in advance for helping to rebuild the community for the future.* 

*CSAC has been a community-led organization since 1973. 

The Charles Street Area Corporation (CSAC) is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, EIN 47-4874259. All contributions are tax deductible.