Cross-Strauss Parklet Design Themes

After a successful community meeting, Real Design shared 3 theme concept designs for the Cross-Strauss Parklet.

August 17, 2022

Parklet Theme Concepts

Explore and Learn

Concept #1 centers on natural materials and aesthetics. It includes an early childhood sensory station, outdoor classroom, interactive features on the chainlink fence, patio seating, nature themed playground areas, playground surfaces that reflect the local ecosystem, and community benches with tables.

Health Heroes

Concept #2 emphasizes a superhero theme and bright, bold colors. It features themed equipment to encourage climbing and creative movement, a superhero cape photo-op wall, themed surface asphalt, an electronic game station, superhero silhouette designs on the fence, and shade sails.

Celebrate Our Community

Concept #3 encourages neighborhood involvement and appreciation. The design includes outdoor frames to showcase artwork, a community bulletin board, a "helping hands" pergola and garden, inclusive playground equipment, and "grow a tree" and community garden boxes.

Look out for additional opportunities to give feedback on our calendar.

Our kids and families deserve the best! You can contribute by donating to help us raise the final $10,000 for project costs. Any amount helps!