Charles Street Area Corporation

September 1, 2022

Registered Community Organization

The Charles Street Area Corporation is proud to announce that we have been approved as a Registered Community Organization!…

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Cross-Strauss Theme Concept 1
August 17, 2022

Cross-Strauss Parklet Design Themes

After a successful community meeting, Real Design shared 3 theme concept designs for the Cross-Strauss Parklet. Check them out!…

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July 28, 2022

Request for Proposals: Engineering Services

Charles Street Area Corporation is seeking qualified candidates to provide engineering services for our infill housing project….

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Request for Proposals: Landscape Architecture

Charles Street Area Corporation is seeking qualified architectural firms to develop preliminary design solutions for infill housing….

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July 6, 2022

Take the Cross-Strauss Parklet Survey!

It’s time to plan our play! Take the Cross-Strauss Parklet Survey to help us design improvements to this well-loved community resource….

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Donate to Renovate the Cross-Strauss Parklet!

The Cross-Strauss Parklet is in need of updates and repairs. Help us raise the final $78,000 to renovate!…

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July 1, 2022

Cross-Strauss Parklet Initial Concept

Following a community feedback session, the Studio for Spatial Practice produced a conceptual design for Cross-Strauss Parklet renovation….

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